01932 829 593   |   07767 242 974   |   karen@holleydesigns.com
01932 829 593   |   07767 242 974   |   karen@holleydesigns.com


Shade gardens
Shady Garden
What sort of materials should you use in shade? Why should you worry about the materials you build your garden out of if you have a garden in shade.  Shaded areas provide issues for paved area. Water doesn’t evaporate as quickly in shaded areas, which means your patio must endure damp without eroding. The dark dampness also...
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Shady Garden
What sort of plants grow well in shade? Following on from my last blog; once you know what sort of shade you have, you need to know which plants will grow well in the shady spot you have. The phrase right plant right place is used a lot, but it is a mantra that needs...
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