Adding magic to your garden with winter fragrance. Whilst working as a garden designer, I am often asked to provide some winter interest to a garden. It is often easy to turn to the visual; using evergreens, and coloured stems to add a visual impact in the coldest months. One aspect that is easy to...Read More
Jobs to do in March & April I don’t know about you, but I often ignore my garden throughout the winter months, pretending nothing ishappening, it’s too cold right? But every year I notice that as the winter months get warmer things in my gardenkeep growing.Right now my lawn is too long, there are weeds...Read More
Spring Colour, bringing your garden to life Well Spring is fast approaching and we are leaving the bitter days behind. Many of us may have stepped into our gardens for the first time since the summer to either catch up with gardening or just to see that everything is still alive and well. The...Read More