Adding magic to your garden with winter fragrance. Whilst working as a garden designer, I am often asked to provide some winter interest to a garden. It is often easy to turn to the visual; using evergreens, and coloured stems to add a visual impact in the coldest months. One aspect that is easy to...Read More
Are you struggling with one or more of these issues? I often see my job as a garden designer as a problem solver, but I’ve never listed all the problems that I have solved before. I was set a challenge to list as many problems as I could think of that I have solved for...Read More
10 things we can do in our own little haven You might think that climate change is all to do with pollution and gases and recycling, and you would be right. It is affecting all of us. Every year, the wet bits get wetter, the hot bits hotter and the dry parts dryer (yes I...Read More
Stepping up As a garden designer it is a rare thing to work on a totally flat garden, there are generally slopes somewhere, toward the house, away from the house, and even from one side to the other. Sometimes these slopes can really obvious at other times be almost imperceptible, until you want to build...Read More
Get those senses tingling in the garden A sensory garden should stimulate all 5 of our senses, and encourages those in the garden not only to look, but to touch, smell, hear and taste what is in the garden. What you choose to use to stimulate the senses may depend on who you are creating...Read More
10 Tips to help you get it right in your small garden. What is a small garden? To be honest it is all relative, out here in the ‘burbs’, we have a real variety of garden size from the few acres to a few metres, what I am talking about here is anything under 100...Read More
Who should look after your trees? (Why does it matter?) What is the difference between a chainsaw man, a Tree surgeon and an arboriculturist? sounds a bit like the beginning a bad joke, but a question that my clients ask me all the time is who can I get to sort out my trees? I...Read More